Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The International

Hey Kids!

I saw the international with the handsome Clive Owen and Naomi Watts this past Friday. This movie was a little know I can't think of how to describe it. It had a plot and there was action (not enough action). The best part of the movie is that there was no love interest and all that crap that can make a good action movie sour at times. Naomi Watts' character is married in the movie and Clive is too busy trying to find out what is going on to be concerned with a woman. The setting of the movie is in several different countries. I liked that and the shots were descent enough. At some parts they could of added action scenes to make it better. I just had high hopes for this movie as I am a fan of both of these actors. And I am not sure what Naomi Watts was doing in this movie. Like Ryan and Caroline ( said "they could of had someone else play her part". I mean they could of given that role to a less known actress. She was barely in the movie.

Clive was great. And he looked good too. This is a movie for the mature audience. The movie theater was packed on opening night and their was definitely a mature audience in the house. I would suggest to see this movie only if you are not interested in seeing anything else that is currently new. I feel very indifferent about this movie. I didn't hate it or love it. If you like Clive and looking at him on the big screen go see this. If you are a fan of Naomi than you may be a little disappointed because like I said she is not in the film that often.


One Quick Snap from east to west and tell Clive to call me (phone call signal)!

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