Monday, December 21, 2009

The Blind Side

Hey Kids!

I finally saw The Blind Side. A friend of mine had been wanting to see it for a while so we went. Personally I wasn't interested in seeing this right away (I was gonna wait til video) but since I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sandra Bullock, I decided to give in and go see it. It is actually a good movie. The story of Michael Oher is very touching and is in deed a true heroic and uplifting story. But the movie does bring up several questions though. Why did the family decide to take him home that first night and was it really white quilt? Now for my one reader who may not know the story basically a wealthy family decides to offer shelter to a big (and I mean BIG) teenager who goes to their children's private school. It just so happens that the family is white and the teenager is black. I loved how the actors showed how strong each of the main characters are. Michael (played by Quinton Aaron) is the strong and respectable silent type (he reminds me of myself) and Leigh Ann tuohy (Played by Sandra Bullock) is the strong vocal and FIERCE type. The guy who plays Michael Oher does a decent job of acting, especially for his first major role but I wanted more from him. And if you look at him in this movie and look at a picture of him now it is extremely evident that Hollywood has decided to embrace him and give him a makeover.

The movie is really good, it is well made and flows well. However, educators be warned this will remind of you some of your students. I had a good discussion/argument with my friend (who is not an educator) about the whole white guilt situation. I personally do not think that that was the reason that the Tuohy's decided to extend a helping hand. I know plenty of individuals who are different races than black who would have offered to help in that situation if they could. I myself remember teaching several students who I would have loved to rescued from the streets or their current situations but I couldn't because of finances and fear of losing my job. Now am I saying that myself or some of these other people would do the whole adoption and everything no. I am simply saying that we would offer them a place to stay, clean clothes and a hot meal for at least a day or two while trying to find them suitable accommodations. The reason Michael ended up with this family is because he touched this family (mainly Leigh Ann) and taught them about themselves and from that grew love and affection. I am sure that the real Michael Oher knows how blessed, special or lucky he is to have his situation end the way it did. I am also certain that he is grateful and appreciative of it as well, which has made me a fan of his and I am going to invest in his jersey soon when I get some money (whenever that will I could go on and on about this movie and the subject it is about (any truly dedicated, caring and master educator could). But I am going to stop here and just say if you are looking for a nice feel good movie than this is the one for you. I can't say that you have to run out and see this at the theater because you will get the same experience from watching at home on the plasma eating microwave popcorn.




Hey Kids! That's right I'm back...and I am not going to bore you about where I have been and just get straight to the reviewing. Now Avatar has been the movie that a lot of people have been dying to see for the past 2-4 years. It is James Cameron's first movie since Titanic and it has been said that it will change the way movies are made! Now of course hearing all of this I couldn't wait to see this, so I got my IMAX 3D ticket a week in advance and was ready to see if it would live up to the hype...well it...DOES!!! This movie brings a whole new meaning to movie experience! The graphics and use of technology in this movie are unbelievable and is definitely something you need to experience in the theater...Do Not wait till this comes on DVD or BLU RAY run to see this now! And if you can see it in IMAX spend the extra couple dollars to do so, it is well worth it. AND DO NOT see this in 2D...Pay extra and see it how it was meant to be seen. I saw it like two weeks ago and I am dying to go see it again. I have friends who have seen it more than once because they liked it so much! The movie is about the human race trying to do what we love to do best and that is claim something that isn't ours to claim. They are trying to get this mineral that is only found on this planet. It would be nice if they would explained what exactly we are using the mineral for and why it's worth so much money. Guess there wasn't enough time. This movie has everything I love about a movie, action, sci-fi and fantasy, great acting and likeable characters. If you don't end up feeling a strong like or dislike for several of the characters there is something wrong with as far as eye candy goes this is not that kind of movie...I mean the main characters are 12 feet tall, blue and have tails! Although the general did kinda turn me on a couple times with his overly manly and "let's kill any everything that stands in our way" attitude. Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana give great preformances and have wonderful chemistry. I must say that the more movies I see Sam Worthington in the more I like him and the hotter I think he is. And Zoe Saldana has been my female crush since I first saw her in Center Stage when she effortless proved that she was a wonderful actress and dancer. She actually is classically trained dancer and studied at the Dominican Republic Dance Academy for numerous years. She has made two of the best films I have seen this entire year (Avatar and Star Trek) and she will definitely be an even bigger star in the future because of this movie. Please see this movie if you are someone who likes movies and have been missing the reason you fell in love with them to begin with. See this movie if you enjoy a great quality movie. See this movie if you enjoy new experiences. See this movie if you like getting your monies worth when you go to the movies. Also, see this movie so that you will be able to see a technological breakthough. This movie took years to make, a talented director and cast and 300 million (yes that is correct 300 million) dollars to make. It is being dubbed as the movie of the decade, which you all know I have to disagree with because I am a Harry Potter Nut! Those are the best movies this decade (I know that is strictly my opinion and not a fact)! But I reitterate, the movie is GREAT, WORTH SEEING, WELL WORTH THE MONEY and WAY BETTER THAN TITANIC (yes I loved titanic thought it was really romantic and I even cried at the end...but this one is soo much better and more interesting). Get a group of friends together or grab your significant other, go have a nice dinner and see this movie. I promise it will be well worth the effort.