Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Last Airbender

Hey Kids!

I must say that I am deeply I'm pissed..I'm just gonna keep it real...I AM PIIIIISSSSSEEEDDDD!!!!!

The Last Airbender was suppose to be my biggest movie of the summer and instead it ended up being my biggest let down of the summer. M. Night I promise you I am gonna smack your face if I ever get the opportunity to meet you in person. You ruined this beautiful story and classic cartoon with this hideous big screen adaptation. I know your kids are pissed at you too since they are the reason you decided to make this movie.

Any true fan of Avatar: the last Airbender the cartoon is going to HATE I repeat HATE this movie. They couldn't even be bothered to pronounce the names correctly! And another thing...the cast is suppose to be ASIANS not whites and Asian Indians. Now I will excuse the Asian Indian casting because I think M. Night was just looking out for his people and friends for once...BUT I DO NOT GET the casting of AANG and the other two leads...I mean "Jasper" from Twilight is casted as Soka...and some no talent little girl is suppose to be the FIERCE Katarra! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!

I am not even going to give this movie the satisfication of having a completed and full review. I'm going to stop there. And M. Night if you make the second movie a hot piece of trashy mess like this one...I PROMISE you I'm going to do everything in my power...I will stop there.


Two snaps wwwaaaay DOWN!!!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Hey Kids!

Ok I know this review is a little late...but I know you all will forgive me, right? (crickets)...Ok well moving on. Now The third film in the Twilight Saga has come out and there are two things that I definitely now know. The first, I am NOT a Twi-Hard. Now don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed the books and I like the movies but I'm not all that invested in them like some people (rolling eyes at the big chick screaming at the different trailers on youtube). The Second, I think I'm on the fence when it comes to this whole Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. Now before you get all crazy and start throwing little hissy fits let me explain. In this particular movie you see a lot more of the attraction that Bella has for both Edward and Jacob. (And by the way I HATE BELLA! I DO NOT understand why these two guys are fighting over her and while everyone is risking their lives to save her.) But any way I digress, The third film shows that its time for Bella to make her decision. Is she gonna keep putting herself and others in danger because she likes to have her cake and eat it too. And the crazy thing is once she finally admits to herself that she has been leading Jacob on and she does actually love him more than in a friendly way. She ends up being more confused than ever. I guess Edward shouldn't of let Jacob sleep in the tent with him and Bella. Speaking of tent maybe it was just me but I was getting a big homoerotic vibe from the direction they were taking that Edward/Jacob confession scene. I mean it was like they were trying to channel Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal and Broke back Mountain.

And Twi-hards before you try to get me kicked off blogger calm down. I am not saying that they are gay I am just saying that that scene got me a little more excited than I am sure it meant too (me and the rest of the gays!). Maybe its because I kept thinking how much MORE fun it would of been in the tent if Bella WASN'T there!!!!

Now as far as what's going on in the movie basically, (without actually telling the movie) something is happening in Seattle and it all leads up to a big showdown at the end of the movie. The wolves and Cullens decide to bury their treaty terms they have with each other in order to save Bella and their selective towns.

This book was probably my favorite out of the series and it is because a lot of the back stories are how the wolves came into existence and why the "army" is being created. The flashbacks were the parts I was looking the most forward to seeing in this movie and sadly they let me down! Only because they didn't go as in depth as they should have and it all just seemed RUSHED!!!! And sadly to those of you that are going to see this or have seen this and haven't read the books you will be missing out on what I think are the best stories in the entire SERIES!!!

Victoria is back and in case you didn't know they replaced Victoria (Rachelle Leferve) from the first and second movie with a more well known actress, Bryce Dallas Howard, who I know from movies such as "Terminator Salvation", "Spider Man 3" and "The Village". She does a good job and we are suppose to hate her and can't wait for her to finally be "deposed of" and she does a great job of making us want that. My sources tell me that Rachelle was replaced due to scheduling conflicts. And this is what I have to say about to Rachelle about that...Rachelle sweetie you did an effing show! You let the shooting schedule of a movie that NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE will probably see, get you replaced on what was to be not only your shining moment in the series but also the highest grossing film of your career!!! Wow!

And moving on...

I will say this Taylor Lautner's Acting is A LOT better in this movie. But I mean honestly who was really paying attention to his acting in the last movie...So I guess its safe to say that while hitting the gym he also made time to take some acting lessons. And because of his age during the time "New Moon" came out I didn't feel comfortable commenting on how HOT! He looks in these movies (that is when he doesn't have that hideous wig on). Speaking of wigs, Whoever is in charge of hair and make-up needs to be FIRED! The wigs that they keep putting on the Cullens are HORRIBLE! And why do they have them looking so sloppy pasty. I mean I know they are vampires and all but Lord their makeup looked like a kindergarten class took some white paint and just had a field day with all of them.

Put Taylor you're 18 now so that means I can say how I really feel and I would like to say...You know I think I will still leave those comments to myself I mean this is suppose to be a family friendly review, right? (blank stare)

Robert Pattinson is the reason I think I am on the fence for Team Edward and Team Jacob. He is gorgeous! I mean he really has a very handsome face and presence. And I have a love/hate relationship with him right now and his relationship with Bella. I mean yes he is a bit controlling...but hey that's what Bella is into. And he is soo protective of her and to me that is just so HOT! I mean that is true love right? I remember my father telling me once when I was younger and I asked him how you know when you're in love with someone and he responded "When you're willing to die for someone that's how you know you really and truly love them"! So I guess Edward and Bella are the real deal because She is also willing to die for him (she proved that in the second movie). And by the way my parents have been married almost 30 years...So I guess my dad knows what he's talking about with the true love.

Kristen Stewart is a good actress. We can hate on her all we want but she is a good actress. And in these movies, especially this one. She proves that. And I didn't notice her biting her lip that much in this one so that was good. But the main reason I say she is a good actress is because she manages to bring Bella to life from the books. While reading the books I couldn't stand Bella and kinda of secretly hope she would die. And in the movies I feel the EXACT same way! LOL

My favorite character in the books are Emmett. He is the one that I would of been chasing after not Edward and Jacob. And with Kellan Lutz as Emmett in the movies I stand by this. He is super HOT and I wish they would give him some scenes where he has to take his shirt off. To show Mr. Black what a grown man's abs and body is suppose to look like. I wonder if Summitt Entertainment has received my petition on giving Kellan more scene time in the last two films?

Now these movies are not made for the movie goer or movie buff with a more sophisticated taste or palette. There isn't any real cinematography or dialogue that's worth noting. These movies are made for two reasons 1. For the fans! 2. To Make a HELL of A LOT of money. So far this movie has made $559,000,000 worldwide! Yes you read that correctly. And the kicker is that it only costs 68 million to make this last movie.

Go see this movie if you are a fan of the books and other two movies. Those of you that are fans of this particular book do not be surprised if you don't like the movie as much as you would hope. But I still think you should see it. If you are just completely sick of vampires and werewolves than DO NOT go see this. Wait and go see the new movie "Vampires Suck!", which is sure to be HIGHLIRIOUS and a good spoof of these movies.


Two snaps up and Dakota Fanning you are FIERCE as JANE!!!

Loved it!


Hey Kids!

Ok so I saw was good, interesting, entertaining, confusing, debatable and a big prank and all that was just the ending!!!! The best thing about this movie is that once its over you are definitely gonna want to talk about it with someone, so make sure you go see it with someone. I am glad that I did. I saw this with my good buddy Jorge! And so that I can provide an accurate review without ruining the movie, Jorge is going to be my guest this week.

Michael: Say Hello Jorge!

Jorge: Hey fellow movie watcher/online reader!

Michael: Umm I see you used a single tense. You think I only have one reader or follower for my blog? SMH, Gee thanks for the support buddy!

Jorge: Oh no dear not at all. I know you have millions of virtual simulated fans (bots) world wide! Now lets extract our thoughts on this film!

Michael: Now this movie was one of those movies that people will definitely want to discuss once its over. I know you and I had a several questions that needed to be answered after we finished seeing it (well you had more questions than I did and I am just happy that I was able to provide an answer).

Jorge: Your right Michael, it does take awhile to really understand this new way of thinking the film is throwing at us. This is a new idea that we haven’t really seen before, so a open mind is very necessary. This is not a movie you can fully understand without really paying attention. It’s like a class lesson being taught by a teacher with a heavy accent. So tell the heavy snack muncher next to you to stop smacking and let the popcorn dissolve in their mouth…..Like as if you want a good grade on this!

Michael: Well it’s definitely one you have to pay attention too. So if you are one of those movie watchers who have to constantly be checking your phone or getting up and walking out to use the bathroom or get a refill on that stale popcorn and flat coke you paid 15.00 for…you’re gonna be LOST!!!

Michael: This movie is about people who enter people’s dreams to steal their secrets. I love the concept because it is soooo original and that has seriously been lacking in Hollywood lately. It stars a great cast, Leonardo Di Caprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanbe, and Marion Cotillard. Now you know I have to mention the actors that I found to be the most attractive in this movie.

Jorge: I have to say I really enjoyed everybody in this cast. Every character was well fleshed out with unique personalities. Leo never disappoints (Shia LaBeouf take notes chile), bordering between loving father, extraction genius and tormented husband. Joseph G-Levitt played a great believable friend and sidekick (I think he’s extremely underrated loved him in “500 Days Of Summer”). Hell even Ellen Page was likeable and had a good supporting role – (and to think she made me wanna dispense contraceptives to all my friends after Juno.) Michael Cain continues to show us that he has mastered playing his most recognizable character – Old.
I honestly didn’t know any of the other cast from anything else but they worked well together….thumbs up to the casting agent! (Why didn’t they hire you for Avatar?)

Michael: Chile don’t even get me started on the casting for Avatar (that review is coming soon). And yes Leo is fab like always and you know until this movie I didn’t realize how handsome he is. I mean he really wears suits quite well. Yes and Joseph is exceptionally underrated…I love him as King Cobra in the GI Joe movie! And Ellen Page was MUCH better in this movie. I think she needs to stick with roles like this from now on…you know were she is a genius college student and not a pregnant 16 year old trying to channel Virginia Wolfe, Emily Dickens or some other female literary icon. And Michael is a legend so leave him ALONE. I still can’t believe you don’t know who Marion Cotillard is. I mean she has been in some really good movies, like Public Enemies, Big Fish, Nine (well this one wasn’t a good one). She is an actress who I can honestly say I am becoming a fan of. Now to me the breakout star in this movie is Tom Hardy. That is a delicious English Muffin! He has the prettiest lips I’ve seen on an actor in a long time. He hasn’t really been in any note worthy films. So this is like his big break.

Jorge: Yeah I noticed you sippin on that straw a little too hard during his scenes….(I know who’s dreams you would be flocking in). I will say that he was a fresh face that I welcomed. I also have to give credit to Cillian Murphy (who you snubbed I see), he usually creeps me out just by giving a straight face….but as always continues to deliver in this film as Robert Fisher Jr aka “the guy who’s dreams we need to get into”. He is another actor who is underrated, would love to see more from him. Oh and Marion was good too….but I did get tired of her character popping up all the damn time. I wanna elaborate on that more but it would only spoil the movie.

Michael: Now the movie is getting great reviews from both movie goers and critics. And there are now several websites and blogs dedicated to the discussion of the ending of this movie. If you are interested in seeing this movie DO NOT go to those sites until after you have seen the movie. Because you definitely need to go in with an open clear mind like Jorge Suggested. Now Jorge would you recommend this movie and who would you recommend to go see it?

Jorge: I would definitely recommend that people go see it. If you’re a fan of movies like The Matrix, Memento or even Shutter Island I would say check it out. It runs about 2 ½ hours but you are so busy taking notes on your crash course in learning the Inception/extraction process you don’t even see the first hour or so fly by (I was entertained). The second half of the movie has all the action and will full your lungs up with plenty of lead, explosions and scene/dream hopping. At the end you’ll feel like you fell into a 2 hour dream state as you recall everything you just saw.

The movie opens up some very good questions about our humanity, escapism and its variations. Its something we all do through in various forms…but when is it too much? (is it ever too much)?

I give it 4 out of 5 stars – we need more movies like this – movies that are complex, original, well cast and extremely entertaining. The movie states that “we only use 20% of our brains” when we are awake….lately Hollywood seems to be only using that much to create film concepts, leaving me wanting to fall asleep to be fully entertained.

Michael: Well I don’t know about you but my dreams are VERY entertaining! Thank you Jorge for your wonderful and enlightening critique of the movie. I am sure my "1 follower and 1 reader" will appreciate your input and insight (I should smack you across the face for that…you better be glad I love you with the Love of Jesus!)…this movie is well worth the ticket price. If you are looking for a good movie to give you an excuse to get out of this summer heat…this is a good one to go see. Especially for those of you who aren’t really interested in seeing current popular adaptations that are being over run by screaming teenagers!


Two snaps up and Tom Hardy you can invade my dreams anytime!

Loved IT!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

Hey Kids!!!

Well I tell you what. I was sooo excited for the summer blockbuster season to start and boy has it started! The summer season kicked off with Iron Man 2 as this weekend's hot pick. I'm just going to go ahead and say something I probably shouldn't...The Iron Man movies are kick ASS!!! I mean it is such a breath of fresh air to return to the movies and leave knowing that I got my monies worth and that I really enjoyed what I was watching. I mean I was entertained all the way through. There was never a dull moment...and get this people...there is a PLOT...yes we actually have a superhero movie that has a plot and doesn't just spend the whole movie killing people and blowing things up (not that there's anything wrong with that). Let's see where to start with talking about this one....hmmm

Ok let's start with the cast. We have the usual ones from the first movie and that's Robert Downey Jr (RDJ) who pumped some serious iron to prep for this movie and it pays off cause he looked bad ass in those black tank tops and linen shirts. And he was great as always! Gwyneth Paltrow and I am still not impressed with her...although I much preferred her in this movie than the last. And someone please tell me how Samuel L. Jackson ends up in EVERYONE's MOVIES!!! I mean he must have the best managers, agents and PR team money can buy! He was ok in this nothing special. And our villian Mickey Rouke was great as Whiplash. He did a good russian accent and looked the part. I just need someone to please tell him that there is a thing as too much plastic surgery! But he is looking real good from the neck down! We just need to put one of those masks on his face and he can whip me any day...LOL..don't judge me!

However, the actor I was dying to see happens to also be the director! Jon Favreau was so cute as Tony Starks driver and fighting coach. To me he was a scene stealer at times and again I don't know what it is about him be he just does it for me...ever since I saw him in Friends when he played Monica's love interest I have been a fan and secretly in love (I guess the secret is out now)...and again don't judge me!

Now as you all remember the controversy behind the "Rhody" character for this film. Well my sources tell me that the reason Terrence Howard was not asked to come back for this film was because...(drum roll) are not gonna believe it...the reason was because of....(another drum roll) MONEY!!! Can you believe that (blank stare)...I mean seriously I can not believe that Hollywood would replace another actor over money...this has to be the first time this has happened, right? (blank stare)...You all agree with me right? (crickets). Ok anyway....Yeah Terrence Howard was actually the first person to be signed on for the first Iron Man movie (yes even before RDJ) and because of that he was paid the most. However, because some individuals in charge of the movie (he is the real cute driver I was talking about earlier) wasn't really thrilled with his performance from the first film. They felt that he didn't deserve the amount he was paid or the raise that he was suppose to get for this movie. So he was replaced with Don Cheadle. Now I am not 100% sure if that is right again I got that from my sources and you all know how "the kids" love to talk! So you can take that information with a gain of salt as far as I am concerned but it makes sense to me.

Now Don Cheadle did a GREAT job as Rhody in this film. I personally believe the studio made the right decision in replacing Terrence Howard because I wasn't that impressed with his acting last time either...and plus I want to support my man (director Jon Favreau). However, I HATED what they did to his hair...they should have never put that male perm in there...We all know that Don does not have silky smooth hair like that...LOL...I am sure he was loving it though!

And last but certainly not least is Mrs. Scarlette Reynolds...Also known as Scarlette Johansson. I can describe her performance in one word...FIERCE!!! I haven't been a scarlette Jo fan since she stole Ryan Reynolds from all the gays and straight women! But I am back on team Scarlette now because her role as the black widow was great. It was short but GREAT! She had like one fight scene but in my opinion it was the best one of the entire movie because it was just soo unexpected. So I tip my martini glass to you Scarlette. You did a great job and I will actually give you my martini glass if you would let Ryan go back to being a bachelor...but I am sure you won't because you know what a hottie and catch you have in other words you aren't stupid!!

Now this movie is highly entertaining and a great start to the blockbuster summer. If you loved the first one you will Love this one. It is just as good as the first and that is saying something. So ladies do yourselves a favor and grab your man and take him to see this movie. He will LOVE it and you will like it. But remember while your watching his popcorn and soda and candy and even buy his movie ticket (hand up to stop the butting in)...hear me out girls! You do all this now and in a couple weeks you get even more because SEX AND THE CITY 2 opens and you know how much fun that is going to be! Who knows he might even buy you some new Manilo Blahniks to celebrate the release.


Two snaps up and have the driver bring the car around, we have a date in 10 mins!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Blockbuster Summer time!

Hey Kids!!!!

YAY!!!! It's finally here! The start of the Summer Blockbuster Movie season. I am super excited. I know I haven't been doing a great job with updating but I hope that will get a lot better now that school is coming to a close and my favorite part of the movie season is finally here. Now I am more than a little pissed that I have to wait til November before I see the movie I am most anticipating for 2010, (Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I) it's ok that gives me more time to get my slytherin costume and Hermonie wand together for the premier (don't judge me!). But the hot werewolves and vampires in Eclipse will help as well. So we start this summer off with Iron Man 2! I am a huge fan of the first movie and I can not wait to see this one! I love RDJ (Robert Downey, Jr) and I think he was perfectly cast as Tony Stark. I also have a bit of a crush on Jon Favreau (again don't judge me), even though he directs the movie you still get to see him play a bodyguard/driver and that works for me. Now I am not really sure how I feel about them replacing Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle...mainly because Don isn't really eye candy, not to say that Terrence Howard really was either (don't get me wrong he is cute but I just can't get all into him like that he reminds me too much of my dad), but Don can act his butt off so let's see what he does with this character. I also think this will be a different genre for him. I don't think he has been in too many action big budget movies.

Well kids I hope you are getting just as excited as I am! It's summer time and what better way to spend beautiful hot days than in a nice cool movie theater!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Hey Kids!

I'm back! And I must say that I just have not been feeling in the blogging mood. And mainly because of the mediocre movies that have been out thus far in 2010. This review is about the remake of Clash of the Titans. And it was...for lack of a better was OK...was it entertaining? YES!

Is it better than the original...YES! Could it have been better...I can't think of how it could. But I haven't really seen a movie (not since AVATAR) that made me leave the theater extremely happy and in love with movies again. Well I think, scratch that I KNOW AVATAR has ruined other 3D movies for me. They don't seem to be of the same quality. And that is possibly because they weren't shot in 3D like AVATAR, they were shot in the regular 2D format and then transferred over to 3D....AND IT IS NOT THE SAME!!!

And speaking of AVATAR, it stars Sam Worthington (Who had a great 2009 and on his way to having a great 2010) and Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes. I really like Liam Neeson he has such a demanding presence. He was nicely cast in the role of Zeus King of the Gods.

And Ralph Fiennes has been growing on me since he was cast as Lord Voldomort in the Harry Potter films. And he does a great job as Hades in the film. I just wish he didn't sound like the Dark Lord. He should of found a different voice for Hades(Ryan,

Now if you were a fan of the original, like myself and every other nerd and geek (closeted or not). You will like this one. Mainly because it is the original with wwwaaaayyyy better graphics. Although I did miss seeing the play dough looking and I think it was too short! But with people's low attention spans these days that's probably a good thing.

I can recommend it if you are looking for an entertaining movie to go see...and plus there really isn't anything else out right now that I would say you HAVE to run out and go see. You DO NOT have to spend an extra 2 or 3 dollars to see this in will be just as good in 2D (hey that way you can afford some popcorn and a drink). See this if you saw the original and liked it so much you want to see the remake. And see this if you just want to get out and go to the movies. But you really don't have to run out to see it (in my opinion) it will be just as nice as a rental...especially since just about everyone has a large plasma screen!


Two snaps up and "Release the Kraken!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Email

Hey Kids!

I have corrected a new email account so you my darlings can email me questions or suggestions you may have about any movies...since no one is leaving comments I figured this would be another way to get in touch.

Email me at

New reviews to come!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Top 10 movies of 2009

Hey Kids!

Well 2009 is over and 2010 is here! I am not as excited about the new year this year and I probably should be since 2009 wasn't all that great for me. BUT I am excited about several new movies coming out this year, mainly the new Sex and the City 2 movie and of course the new Harry Potter movie. Although 2009 is gone there are several movies that stood out to me last year and I have compiled a list of my top 10 movies I saw at the theaters this last year. Now keep in mind that this list could have been different if I had seen all the movies that came out that I wanted to see. Some of the movies listed I have reviewed for you and others I have not. If you see a movie listed that I have not blogged about but you want to learn more feel free to email me or comment with your email address and I will get back with you. OK here is the list...

(this is not in any particular ranking order)

1. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

2. Taken

3. Race to Witch Mountain

4. Wolverine

5. Star Trek

6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

7. Inglorious Bastards (I actually saw this one as a rental, I wanted to see it in the theater just never got around to it)

8. Couples Retreat

9. Ninja Assassin (the best material arts movie I have seen in a long time, can't wait to get it on DVD)

10. Avatar