Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hey Kids!

Ok so I saw was good, interesting, entertaining, confusing, debatable and a big prank and all that was just the ending!!!! The best thing about this movie is that once its over you are definitely gonna want to talk about it with someone, so make sure you go see it with someone. I am glad that I did. I saw this with my good buddy Jorge! And so that I can provide an accurate review without ruining the movie, Jorge is going to be my guest this week.

Michael: Say Hello Jorge!

Jorge: Hey fellow movie watcher/online reader!

Michael: Umm I see you used a single tense. You think I only have one reader or follower for my blog? SMH, Gee thanks for the support buddy!

Jorge: Oh no dear not at all. I know you have millions of virtual simulated fans (bots) world wide! Now lets extract our thoughts on this film!

Michael: Now this movie was one of those movies that people will definitely want to discuss once its over. I know you and I had a several questions that needed to be answered after we finished seeing it (well you had more questions than I did and I am just happy that I was able to provide an answer).

Jorge: Your right Michael, it does take awhile to really understand this new way of thinking the film is throwing at us. This is a new idea that we haven’t really seen before, so a open mind is very necessary. This is not a movie you can fully understand without really paying attention. It’s like a class lesson being taught by a teacher with a heavy accent. So tell the heavy snack muncher next to you to stop smacking and let the popcorn dissolve in their mouth…..Like as if you want a good grade on this!

Michael: Well it’s definitely one you have to pay attention too. So if you are one of those movie watchers who have to constantly be checking your phone or getting up and walking out to use the bathroom or get a refill on that stale popcorn and flat coke you paid 15.00 for…you’re gonna be LOST!!!

Michael: This movie is about people who enter people’s dreams to steal their secrets. I love the concept because it is soooo original and that has seriously been lacking in Hollywood lately. It stars a great cast, Leonardo Di Caprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanbe, and Marion Cotillard. Now you know I have to mention the actors that I found to be the most attractive in this movie.

Jorge: I have to say I really enjoyed everybody in this cast. Every character was well fleshed out with unique personalities. Leo never disappoints (Shia LaBeouf take notes chile), bordering between loving father, extraction genius and tormented husband. Joseph G-Levitt played a great believable friend and sidekick (I think he’s extremely underrated loved him in “500 Days Of Summer”). Hell even Ellen Page was likeable and had a good supporting role – (and to think she made me wanna dispense contraceptives to all my friends after Juno.) Michael Cain continues to show us that he has mastered playing his most recognizable character – Old.
I honestly didn’t know any of the other cast from anything else but they worked well together….thumbs up to the casting agent! (Why didn’t they hire you for Avatar?)

Michael: Chile don’t even get me started on the casting for Avatar (that review is coming soon). And yes Leo is fab like always and you know until this movie I didn’t realize how handsome he is. I mean he really wears suits quite well. Yes and Joseph is exceptionally underrated…I love him as King Cobra in the GI Joe movie! And Ellen Page was MUCH better in this movie. I think she needs to stick with roles like this from now on…you know were she is a genius college student and not a pregnant 16 year old trying to channel Virginia Wolfe, Emily Dickens or some other female literary icon. And Michael is a legend so leave him ALONE. I still can’t believe you don’t know who Marion Cotillard is. I mean she has been in some really good movies, like Public Enemies, Big Fish, Nine (well this one wasn’t a good one). She is an actress who I can honestly say I am becoming a fan of. Now to me the breakout star in this movie is Tom Hardy. That is a delicious English Muffin! He has the prettiest lips I’ve seen on an actor in a long time. He hasn’t really been in any note worthy films. So this is like his big break.

Jorge: Yeah I noticed you sippin on that straw a little too hard during his scenes….(I know who’s dreams you would be flocking in). I will say that he was a fresh face that I welcomed. I also have to give credit to Cillian Murphy (who you snubbed I see), he usually creeps me out just by giving a straight face….but as always continues to deliver in this film as Robert Fisher Jr aka “the guy who’s dreams we need to get into”. He is another actor who is underrated, would love to see more from him. Oh and Marion was good too….but I did get tired of her character popping up all the damn time. I wanna elaborate on that more but it would only spoil the movie.

Michael: Now the movie is getting great reviews from both movie goers and critics. And there are now several websites and blogs dedicated to the discussion of the ending of this movie. If you are interested in seeing this movie DO NOT go to those sites until after you have seen the movie. Because you definitely need to go in with an open clear mind like Jorge Suggested. Now Jorge would you recommend this movie and who would you recommend to go see it?

Jorge: I would definitely recommend that people go see it. If you’re a fan of movies like The Matrix, Memento or even Shutter Island I would say check it out. It runs about 2 ½ hours but you are so busy taking notes on your crash course in learning the Inception/extraction process you don’t even see the first hour or so fly by (I was entertained). The second half of the movie has all the action and will full your lungs up with plenty of lead, explosions and scene/dream hopping. At the end you’ll feel like you fell into a 2 hour dream state as you recall everything you just saw.

The movie opens up some very good questions about our humanity, escapism and its variations. Its something we all do through in various forms…but when is it too much? (is it ever too much)?

I give it 4 out of 5 stars – we need more movies like this – movies that are complex, original, well cast and extremely entertaining. The movie states that “we only use 20% of our brains” when we are awake….lately Hollywood seems to be only using that much to create film concepts, leaving me wanting to fall asleep to be fully entertained.

Michael: Well I don’t know about you but my dreams are VERY entertaining! Thank you Jorge for your wonderful and enlightening critique of the movie. I am sure my "1 follower and 1 reader" will appreciate your input and insight (I should smack you across the face for that…you better be glad I love you with the Love of Jesus!)…this movie is well worth the ticket price. If you are looking for a good movie to give you an excuse to get out of this summer heat…this is a good one to go see. Especially for those of you who aren’t really interested in seeing current popular adaptations that are being over run by screaming teenagers!


Two snaps up and Tom Hardy you can invade my dreams anytime!

Loved IT!!!!!

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