Sunday, March 1, 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Hey Kids!

I must say that I wasn't interested in seeing Paul Blart: Mall Cop at all. I was only a little interested because I think Kevin James is so cute (hold your comments on that)! The only reason I went to go see it was because it has been making so much money! I mean it is a blockbuster (meaning it has made over 100 million in the US alone)!

I really didn't care very much for it. It wasn't even all that funny. The story is simple a mall cop who takes his job too serious ends up working the day the mall gets taking over by high flying, skateboarding, biking young adults. It is up to him to save the day. Kevin does what he does best gets everyone to laugh by poking fun of his weight and falling and running into things. I am not sure why this is a blockbuster. I guess people are in the mood to laugh since the economy is making most people depressed. I can understand that. And they are already getting ready to make a sequel. I just don't understand.

The little girl they had play his mixed (in the movie her mom is Hispanic) was cute. But I think I might have a bit of a problem when it comes to weight. All I kept thinking was she is a cute girl but she is too big. I know that is soo wrong to say because who am I to determine what is big or not. But I guess that is the perception that Hollywood and America has given. Thin is beautiful. If you ask me Thick is Beautiful and fat is not necessarily ugly or unattractive just unhealthy.

I can't recommend people to see this. If you like Kevin James maybe...but I much preferred him in I now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry and Hitch and King of Queens.


Two snaps down and Kevin you can protect and serve me any day!

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